Saturday, March 19, 2011

Official Radio of the Garden

IMG_0021 by okfuskee
IMG_0021 a photo by okfuskee on Flickr.
This here's the official garden/deck radio. I finally decided against outside speakers and went for this tiny Tivol iPal (hate the name, like the look). I thought it would have greater flexibility since it has a rechargeable battery and doesn't need to be tethered to anything. When not in the garden it fills in as kitchen radio which we were also considering purchasing. It gets great reception which was an important consideration and gets loud enough to enjoy, but won't bring the cops or annoy the neighbors. Its tiny and sounds good and also has a ipod jack. I'll be out back listening to WPFW until the mosquitos come.


  1. I have heard that if you play Democracy Now for 15 minutes a day at 75 decibels that onions grow 22% larger. The bigger onions are useful to throw at those warplanes emanating from the Pentagon to disrupt their deadly missions. Onions for peace. The leftovers are good on tempeh sandwiches.

  2. But do they work against that would be useful.
