The garlic did pretty well. Very happy with it. I planted about 8 cloves in the front yard....yup...I said front. The only bad thing is the ground out there is so hard due to the drought and extreme heat that it is very hard to dig up. Next year, I will be planting these things in the raised beds.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Glowing Potatoes
We are getting tons of potatoes as well. I am digging them up as needed, though Bambi has suggested I dig them up all at once. The thing is, when I dig them up...they always look fresh, but when I store them...they start aging.
Super pepper!
Yup...loads of peppers out there. Now I am kind of waiting to see if they turn red. I heard the red ones have more nutritional value. I think I did see a jalepeno going a bit red this morning. Never knew they did that!
Black Eyed Susans
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Cucumber Succeeding...So Far
The seeds for the cukes were quite old so it was nice to get some plants. Some animal seems to enjoy pinching off or eating the flowers, but I think a few cukes are making it. We planted them years ago as well...but they were overwhelmed by some insect, so we took a break. Hopefully, we will get a few cucumbers and we will have found another squirrel and bunny immune crop.
Volunteer Sunflowers
My nephew and niece in Seattle recently fooled their dad by secretly planting a bunch of sunflowers around the garden. They popped up and stole all of the sun (what little there is in WA) from the veggies. Poor Toby! So...if you have kids, and you garden..,control your supply of sunflower seeds.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Why Grow Your Own - Reason #1
By the way, one of the funny details about this PB Jamwich Thing, aside from all the ingredients, is that it has NO CRUST. Yup. Bread without's like fruit without seeds...oh wait, I think we make that, too. Here's the thing. Crust is an essential part of the whole bread making process. Just like seeds are a natural and essential part of fruit. So getting rid of it is just plain weird. Will we raise a whole generation of kids who can't eat crusts?
Still Life with Onions and Peppers...and deer skull
Yep - that is a deer skull. A good friend gave me that years ago. Squirrels and other varmints have whittled down the antlers for some reason. All of 'em are perched atop the rain barrel which is why there is chicken wire underneath.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Grass to Greens: Edible Landscapes
It's an idea that is big and getting bigger. Lose the lawn and plant things that look good and are edible. You can see a little of it in my neighborhood and I think it is really catching on in various cities. Not everyone has time for the set up and the learning curve involved, so it's great to see businesses dedicated to helping people make the switch from lawn to food. Grass to Greens in Asheville, NC is one such business. If you are in the Asheville area, check them out.
Enchanted Eggplant Forest
How many eggplants can you find in the enchanted eggplant forest? Click on the pic to see a picture with their locations revealed.
Yup...we may have overplanted. This bed also has a bunch of peppers and broccoli...all of which seem to be immune to bunnybirdsquirrel attack.We planted three kinds of eggplant - regular, japanese, and rosa bianca. So I better start finding some good eggplant recipes.
Flowers from Reed Franklin
At times, I have cut off the seed heads, but recently I heard (from Mike McGrath's excellent podcast) that leaving the seedheads on longer can help birds even more. Even if you don't like watching birds, they are good for eating bugs that might attack plants.
Harvest Time!
I am leaving the bulk of the potatoes in the ground until needed. I feel like I heard or read that they will store better in the ground than in the house. We shall see. more thing. I let the potatoes flower. I did a little investigating and found mixed benefits to pinching off the flowers. One source suggested you might get 10% greater yield which isn't much and so I figured, why not see the flowers and let the bees have a little pollen.
Tomato Roots Growing
I cut off two tomato branches and tried to root them in a glass of water. Got the idea from Square Foot Gardening. One died, the other, plum tomato pictured here, made it and is now planted in the garden. Free tomato plant!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Guest Photographer
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA, a photo by Pike-uliar Gardenings on Flickr.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Inspiration #2: Mom and Dad
Here we are around 1966 I reckon. Mom and Dad have always encouraged me to do just about anything I wanted...within reason. One summer I got it into my head that I wanted to have a garden, perhaps after visiting Reed. I asked if I could turn this weedy rectangle out back into a garden. They said, "sure!" The goal was to turn over about 200 square feet. Pretty small bit, really. I worked and worked and only got blisters to show for it. But it was my first attempt and one thing gardeners know is that you learn from every failure. So thanks, Mom and Dad, for giving me the go ahead way back when. It was another significant moment on my journey toward my current obsession with plants.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Rooting Tomato
One other thing, I loooove the smell of tomato leaves. Delicious.
Eggplant Looking Egg...Nope...Can't Do It.
Here's the best eggplant tip ever courtesy of Toby (brother-in-law) - slice em up and grill them outside and then make homemade Baba Ganoush. It has a kind of smokey flavor that will make all other Baba bow.
The Problem with Mammoth Snow Peas
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Anti-Rabbit Fence
Naughty Bunny!
Rabbit Damage
First Onion
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Inspiration #1: Reed Franklin
We have gotten quite a few cherries this year. In the past, the birds were ahead of us, but this time, I outfoxed the birds. Many of the berries were quite high and so I learned why my wife kept advising me to prune and keep this guy short. Next year.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Strawberry Harvest #4
Good NPR story on strawberries which answers the question - why so big, red, and flavorless?...among others: .
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Strawberry Harvest #3
Tomato, Bent, and Buried
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Strawberry Harvest #2
To be honest, there are so many, I kind of lose patience with picking them. Luckily B is always eager to pick a fresh batch and seems to delight in filling up the bowl with fresh, free berries.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Top Ten Ways to Tell You are Obsessed with Compost
Loose Leaf Tea (Jasmine) Before Becoming Compost |
9) You make eating decisions based on type of compost produced. Mmmm...that bananna/tea/coffee would taste delicious - and make great compost.
8) You make purchasing decisions based on resulting compost.
7) You require...I mean request that your wife bring home tea bags and apple cores from work.
6) You compost your own hair. Is that gross? I think not.
5) On weekends, when the crazy jogger buys a carton of eggs and eats them all raw right out of the shell and leaves them on the sidewalk, you just smile and think, "mmmm...compost."
4) When spending a weekend with friends at a beach house, you force them to compost.
3) You start switching from bag tea, to loose leaf tea because it tastes good, but really you are thinking, "mmmm...better compost."
2) You start singing songs in your head that start off, "every molecule is precious, every cell a star..." while scraping off the tiniest sliver of garlic skin and dropping it into the compost bin.
1) After being quite sick for a while, you run into a neighbour and he jokes, "wow, you looked pretty rough the other day. I thought we would just have to cover you with mulch and add you to the garden" and you say, "mmmmmm....good compost."
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Box O' Taters
First Strawberry
Friday, April 27, 2012
Drip Irrigation Cut-Off Valve
One thing I learned is that it is reasonably easy to set up every bed with its own cut-off valve. I have separate 1/2 inch tube running into each bed and the cut-off valve is right up on top and easy to use. Had one of those classic moments when I first turned it on, called Bambi to come watch and nothing happened. I stood waiting for a few momemts before I realized the cut-off valve was in the Off position...whoops!
The valve shown above is a little harder (But not too bad) too install than another one carried by Irrigation Direct. The other one costs a bit more and is also much easier to take apart according to their site.
Music for Seedlings Program 2012 Season
Sure, why not. Music helps seeds, right? Todays concert included mostly "Classic Rock." In the foreground you can see: drip irrigation, onions, carrots, and maybe some lettuce. Supposedly they are all good companions.
Anti-Squirrel Tactic #6
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Drip Irrigation Dripping
MVI_2152 a video by Pike-uliar Gardenings on Flickr.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Irrigation Time!
So far, it is pretty easy to install. I am using a box cutter to cut the line and then you can just attach all the tube and fittings by hand. It is well designed for easy assembly. You can order a variety of kits that come with all the things you might need but don't know about yet. Here's my HOT tip for what you need: you will need one T coupling and one elbow coupling for each of your beds...and possibly one cut off valve for each as well. So when ordering see what the kit comes with and add some extra depending on your number of beds. This will allow you to place 1/2 inch mainline tubing in each bed and then your 1/4 inch drip lines can hook up with the mainline.
One cool thing about Irrigation Direct is that they have "how to" videos for all of their equipment. That is essential!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Fields of Sedum
Luring the Good Guys
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Free Pea Trellis!
I am using this bit here to support snap peas and snow peas. Last year I used chicken wire which was fine, but this stuff was a smidge easier to work with.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I am a Squirrel I'm Going to Eat Your Peas
MVI_2122 a video by Pike-uliar Gardenings on Flickr.